Our mission is to make active followers of Jesus Christ, who worship God and show His love to those inside and outside the Church.

Pastoral Care

A team seeks to respond to pastoral needs as they become known. If you have a pastoral concern please contact : Tony Gibson 01993 830699

Busy Bees

Ladies (and some men) meet on alternate Monday afternoons at 3pm. We knit and sew and collect items to fill the shoeboxes for Teams4u as well as enjoying each others company over a cup of tea.
In 2021 the group filled 120 shoeboxes & they went via Teams4u who sent 38,000 boxes to children in Romania, Belarus, Ukraine & Bosnia.

We are still collecting material to make drawstring bags and pencil bags
if you have any to spare, please give it to Helen or Hazel.

Contact Hazel Gibson for more information: 01993 830699

North Cotswold Food Bank

We actively support the work of the North Cotswold Food bank and encourage our members to bring items of non-perishable food stuffs in support of this valuable work. Our Food bank Co-ordinator is Myra McDougall 01993 832007

We support World Vision and Tearfund Child Sponsorship Schemes. Most of the money for these projects is raised during our Harvest Weekend.

Outreach Project

We support this ecumenical outreach project in the nearby village of Upper Rissington

In the Community

Every first Thursday of the month a BOOKSWAP and COFFEE MORNING is held 10.30am to 12 noon in the Chapel. Contact Hazel Gibson for more details 01993 830699.

Cafe Church

Held in the Village Hall, this event which happens approximately once a quarter is less formal than a Church Service. The format varies but usually includes food, an invited speaker shares something of their life story and we end with a prayer.

We also are very happy to support our Evenlode Benefice https://www.evenlodevalechurches.org